
Victoria Junior College


March 2006
May 2006
August 2006
October 2006
February 2007



Asst CT:Shiyi
SC:Sheeeeena and George
YanQing,Michelle S
Jia Bin,Zhang(Xuan,Hao)

The class: Farah,Johnathan Lan,Michelle Lee,Ruo Wei
Su Hui,Ee Loong,JiaQing,Tze Ting,Sasi,Hongsheng,Oliver,Xiuquan

Our OLD Class: Derrick
Eugene,Kyna,Fang Ming
Prahlad,Fan Di,Mun Hoe(****)
Saturday, March 11, 2006

HEY IT:S ME sorry it's only my first time coming in! this place rocks! haha as in.. i really feel the 64 spirit! it's amazing how 25 of us who are so different- with personalities ranging from kyna's to munhoe's to mine haha- can develop such a strong bond and AFFECTION for one another in a short span of 2 mths.. we accept one another as we are cos we know we all are sincere in extending our friendship and companionship. i need to sidetrack a little, cos when i read derrick's longlong entry with a little note to everyone.. i was so touched this silly joker had so much he couldnt let go and for the first time he was taking down his joker mask and showing us what lies beneath.. I MISS THIS SILLY TWEET.
to kyna and eugene - it's heartbreaking to see you guys missing our class(ok that sounded thickskin) and we know it's hard initially.. but im sure u all will find your own sky and pls treasure your time in vjc cos some ppl dont even have the opportunity
to mun hoe prahlad fang min and fan di - you four are supers whom i believe will succeed no matter where you endeavour so strive on, when your name appears in the papers someday don't deny you ever knew me: )
64er [`sheens]

crapped at 9:36 PM


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