
Victoria Junior College


March 2006
May 2006
August 2006
October 2006
February 2007



Asst CT:Shiyi
SC:Sheeeeena and George
YanQing,Michelle S
Jia Bin,Zhang(Xuan,Hao)

The class: Farah,Johnathan Lan,Michelle Lee,Ruo Wei
Su Hui,Ee Loong,JiaQing,Tze Ting,Sasi,Hongsheng,Oliver,Xiuquan

Our OLD Class: Derrick
Eugene,Kyna,Fang Ming
Prahlad,Fan Di,Mun Hoe(****)
Thursday, March 09, 2006

To: 06S64
well...how's it now?
w/o derrick, eugene, kyna...the three musketeers...we still can live now isn't it?
perhaps...it's not that impt that we remain together as a class...
as long as our hearts remain linked together...i'm sure that no matter the distance between us and them...we'll always remain the best of friends and buddies...
we're one big family and that'll remain as it is..no one can upset the balance in 06S64...no one except ourselves...
so let's just face the reality with utmost courage and i believe that we'll all have a great time in VJC for the rest of the two years...

To: Derrick
dear chen bro...i know that u're not feeling at home in TJC...but i'm sure that ur happy-go-lucky trait will not go unnoticed...ur humour is addictive and one can never get enough of it...
just do wad ur heart tells u to...
sometimes it's best to follow ur heart..
it may not bethe best option..but at least that's wad u wanted most...
nothing in this world is perfect...
we can't have it all...
so, believe in urself...
if u dun believe u can do it..nobody will...
i believe in u..u can definitely do it..
we're best buds k! JIAYOU!
(Keep me updated on any interesting news...k!)

To: Eugene
though i'm not as close to u as with derrick, i still feel a sense of loss when i know that u're gonna leave 06S64 for 06A14...
perhaps deep down in my heart i've always treated u as my kaki...(do u? hehe...)
anyway, have fun in ur new class...and keep us informed about ur progress with Rachel!
(we'll see each other more often k!)

Ermz..that's about all...it's 10.45pm..beta start packing the stuff for O.L.C camp! Sayonara! Oyatsumi-nasai!

crapped at 9:56 PM


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