
Victoria Junior College


March 2006
May 2006
August 2006
October 2006
February 2007



Asst CT:Shiyi
SC:Sheeeeena and George
YanQing,Michelle S
Jia Bin,Zhang(Xuan,Hao)

The class: Farah,Johnathan Lan,Michelle Lee,Ruo Wei
Su Hui,Ee Loong,JiaQing,Tze Ting,Sasi,Hongsheng,Oliver,Xiuquan

Our OLD Class: Derrick
Eugene,Kyna,Fang Ming
Prahlad,Fan Di,Mun Hoe(****)
Sunday, August 20, 2006

hello people. nice blogskin rite? haha..sorry to current S64 ppl, we dont have a nice class photo in which i can use. i hope ppl who have left us are doing fine.

the new class now have a good mix of people. people with different talents and gifts. many of them are pairing up like those in SC? and our asst CT rep and *******. so this is kinda fun. its rather cool to have people to tease.

S64 did super well on average for Mid years thanks to a few individual that pull the average grade up. and to those who didnt do well(including myself) better buck up and dont pull down the class..=P

dont forget the lecture test is coming on monday and our promos are coming REAL SOON! start mugging or you'll regret. i hope the class blog will come alive again. maybe we can post announcements here. haha..

see you ppl in school tomorrow. =D

like winter night needs fire, like temple needs a shrine
like lover needs each other, like prophet needs a sign,

we need her, yes we know,
we need you, MRS KOH

crapped at 5:42 PM


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